Saturday, July 4, 2009

Headed for the Showers

As wretched as Richard Nixon was, his facility with language sharply contrasts with soon to be ex-Governor Sarah Palin’s “you won’t have me to kick around, anymore” resignation. She has committed political suicide. To use a sport analogy, why would you give a pitcher who walks off the field during a minor league game the ball to pitch in the major leagues?

She looked unsteady and unsure during her resignation. It did not look like someone with national ambitions. Palin is scared. The confidence we saw when she gave her vice presidential candidate’s acceptance speech is gone.

I think it would be a waste of time for Tina Fey to reprise her Palin role, or for others to continue using her for satiric material. Palin is down and out and it would be a loathsome to ridicule someone with such obvious emotional problems. Had she continued in her job, stayed and fought the ethical or other charges pending, if any, then I would say, unleash the dogs of laughter.

Palin might resurface if she her time on the speech circuit becomes politically productive. I doubt it. The Republican wing of the Republocrats was already assembling more suitable politicians for 2010.

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